
Mindrolling Monastary

Dehradun | Peaceful monastary | Show on map

Quick Info

Visit Duration: 10 Hours

Timings: 10.00 am - 7.00 pm

Entry type: Paid

Entry Details: Free Entry


Mindrolling Monastery, located in Dehradun, Uttarakhand, India, is a renowned and historically significant Buddhist monastery that holds great importance within the Nyingma tradition of Tibetan Buddhism. Founded in 1965 by Khochhen Rinpoche, Mindrolling Monastery was established as a center for Buddhist learning, practice, and the preservation of Tibetan Buddhist traditions.

The monastery complex is a visual masterpiece, displaying exquisite Tibetan-style architecture that captivates visitors with its intricate artwork, vibrant colors, and ornate decorations. The buildings within the complex include prayer halls, meditation rooms, stupas, and residential quarters for the resident monks. The fusion of traditional Tibetan design elements and the natural surroundings creates a serene and awe-inspiring ambiance.

One of the most remarkable features of Mindrolling Monastery is its Great Stupa, known as the "Stupa of Many Doors." This magnificent structure stands tall, reaching a height of over 60 meters, and is adorned with ornate carvings, colorful paintings, and sacred Buddhist symbols. The Stupa serves as a focal point for spiritual activities and ceremonies, attracting devotees and visitors from around the world. Its significance lies in its representation of enlightenment, the ultimate goal of Buddhist practice.

The monastery is also home to an extensive collection of Buddhist scriptures, ancient manuscripts, and sacred texts. These precious documents, meticulously preserved within the monastery, contribute to the preservation and dissemination of Buddhist knowledge. They serve as important resources for scholars, researchers, and monks, fostering a deep understanding of Buddhist philosophy and teachings.

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Mindrolling Monastary

Highlights of Mindrolling Monastary

Here are some highlights about Mindrolling Monastery:

  1. Importance in Tibetan Buddhism: Mindrolling Monastery holds significant importance within the Nyingma tradition of Tibetan Buddhism. It is one of the major centers for Buddhist study and practice in India.

  2. Magnificent Architecture: The monastery showcases beautiful Tibetan-style architecture with intricate details, vibrant colors, and ornate decorations. Its grandeur and aesthetic appeal make it a visually stunning place to visit.

  3. Great Stupa: The Great Stupa at Mindrolling Monastery is a prominent attraction. This towering structure stands at a height of over 60 meters and is adorned with intricate carvings, sacred symbols, and vibrant colors. It serves as a focal point for spiritual activities and provides a serene environment for contemplation.

  4. Buddhist Scriptures and Manuscripts: Mindrolling Monastery houses a vast collection of Buddhist scriptures, ancient manuscripts, and sacred texts. These precious texts contribute to the preservation and dissemination of Buddhist knowledge and serve as important resources for scholars and practitioners.

  5. Spiritual Practices and Retreats: The monastery offers various opportunities for spiritual practice and retreats. It hosts teachings, meditation sessions, and retreat programs conducted by renowned Buddhist masters. Visitors can engage in meditation, receive teachings, and immerse themselves in the monastery's serene ambiance.

  6. Festivals and Celebrations: Mindrolling Monastery celebrates several Buddhist festivals throughout the year. These festivals are marked by vibrant ceremonies, colorful processions, and religious rituals, providing a glimpse into the rich cultural and religious traditions of Tibetan Buddhism.

  7. Learning Center: Mindrolling Monastery serves as a significant Buddhist learning center. It offers educational programs, monastic training, and philosophical studies to aspiring monks and nuns. The monastery's commitment to education and intellectual pursuits contributes to the preservation and development of Buddhist teachings.

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Mindrolling Monastary Overview

Mindrolling Monastery, located in Dehradun, Uttarakhand, India, is a renowned and historically significant Buddhist monastery that holds great importance within the Nyingma tradition of Tibetan Buddhism. Founded in 1965 by Khochhen Rinpoche, Mindrolling Monastery was established as a center for Buddhist learning, practice, and the preservation of Tibetan Buddhist traditions.

The monastery complex is a visual masterpiece, displaying exquisite Tibetan-style architecture that captivates visitors with its intricate artwork, vibrant colors, and ornate decorations. The buildings within the complex include prayer halls, meditation rooms, stupas, and residential quarters for the resident monks. The fusion of traditional Tibetan design elements and the natural surroundings creates a serene and awe-inspiring ambiance.

One of the most remarkable features of Mindrolling Monastery is its Great Stupa, known as the "Stupa of Many Doors." This magnificent structure stands tall, reaching a height of over 60 meters, and is adorned with ornate carvings, colorful paintings, and sacred Buddhist symbols. The Stupa serves as a focal point for spiritual activities and ceremonies, attracting devotees and visitors from around the world. Its significance lies in its representation of enlightenment, the ultimate goal of Buddhist practice.

The monastery is also home to an extensive collection of Buddhist scriptures, ancient manuscripts, and sacred texts. These precious documents, meticulously preserved within the monastery, contribute to the preservation and dissemination of Buddhist knowledge. They serve as important resources for scholars, researchers, and monks, fostering a deep understanding of Buddhist philosophy and teachings.

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Points Of Interest for Mindrolling Monastary

Mindrolling Monastery, located in Dehradun, Uttarakhand, India, offers several points of interest for visitors to explore. Here are some notable highlights and points of interest within the monastery:

  1. Great Stupa: The Great Stupa, known as the "Stupa of Many Doors," is a magnificent structure within the monastery complex. Standing at a height of over 60 meters, it is adorned with intricate carvings, vibrant paintings, and sacred symbols. Visitors can marvel at its grandeur and contemplate its spiritual significance.

  2. Prayer Halls: Mindrolling Monastery features several prayer halls where monks and devotees gather for daily prayers and religious ceremonies. These halls are adorned with beautiful Tibetan Buddhist artwork and provide a serene space for reflection and devotion.

  3. Mural Paintings: The monastery is renowned for its intricate and vibrant mural paintings that depict various aspects of Buddhist mythology, teachings, and historical events. Visitors can appreciate the skill and artistry of these detailed murals, which bring Buddhist narratives to life.

  4. Meditation Rooms: Mindrolling Monastery offers dedicated spaces for meditation and contemplation. Visitors can immerse themselves in a peaceful environment and engage in personal meditation practice, seeking inner peace and spiritual growth.

  5. Library: The monastery houses a library that holds a vast collection of Buddhist scriptures, ancient manuscripts, and sacred texts. Scholars, researchers, and spiritual seekers can explore these valuable resources to deepen their understanding of Buddhist philosophy and teachings.

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Best time to visit Mindrolling Monastary

In addition to the highlights of Mindrolling Monastery itself, the location of the monastery in Dehradun, Uttarakhand, also offers attractions and points of interest for visitors. Here are some notable attractions in the vicinity of Mindrolling Monastery:

  1. Robber's Cave (Gucchupani): Located around 8 kilometers from Mindrolling Monastery, Robber's Cave is a natural cave formation that offers a unique experience. Visitors can walk through the narrow caves, explore the rocky terrain, and witness a mesmerizing stream that disappears underground and reemerges a few meters away.

  2. Sahastradhara: Sahastradhara, meaning "Thousand Fold Spring," is a popular tourist destination situated around 15 kilometers from the monastery. It is renowned for its natural beauty and therapeutic properties. The area features numerous waterfalls and shallow pools with mineral-rich water, believed to have medicinal benefits.

  3. Rajaji National Park: For wildlife enthusiasts, Rajaji National Park is a must-visit attraction located approximately 50 kilometers from Mindrolling Monastery. The national park is home to diverse flora and fauna, including elephants, tigers, leopards, deer, and various bird species. Visitors can enjoy jeep safaris, nature walks, and birdwatching in this picturesque wilderness.

  4. Tapkeshwar Temple: Tapkeshwar Temple is a famous Hindu shrine located around 20 kilometers from the monastery. Situated amidst lush green hills, the temple is dedicated to Lord Shiva and is known for its unique location where water droplets continuously fall on the Shiva lingam, giving it its name, which means "Dripping Lord."

  5. Forest Research Institute (FRI): Just a short distance away from Mindrolling Monastery, the Forest Research Institute is an architectural marvel. The institute's buildings exhibit colonial-style architecture and house a museum that showcases the rich biodiversity and forestry research of the region.

  6. Mussoorie: Nestled in the foothills of the Himalayas, the scenic hill station of Mussoorie is approximately 35 kilometers from Mindrolling Monastery. It offers breathtaking views of the snow-clad mountains, lush green valleys, and picturesque landscapes. Visitors can enjoy a cable car ride, visit viewpoints like Gun Hill, stroll along the Mall Road, and explore waterfalls in the vicinity.

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Reena Gupta

Wildlife Encounters

Although not a wildlife-focused trek, we were lucky to spot some Himalayan wildlife. Thanks to the guides for pointing out these rare sightings.

Dayara Bugyal trek from Raithal

Anjali Mehta

Nature's Beauty Unveiled

Dayara Bugyal trek with BanBanjara was an opportunity to witness nature's beauty in its purest form. The trek offers mesmerizing landscapes, and the guides made it informative and enjoyable.

Dayara Bugyal trek from Raithal

Kavita Choudhary

Starlit Nights at Gui Campsite

The starlit nights at Gui campsite were a highlight of the trek. It felt like sleeping under a blanket of stars. BanBanjara's arrangements and hospitality added to the magic.

Dayara Bugyal trek from Raithal

Rajesh Sharma

Surprising Landscape Changes

What amazed me most was how the landscape transformed from dense forests to vast meadows. It was surprising and unforgettable. Thanks to BanBanjara for this exceptional trek.

Dayara Bugyal trek from Raithal


"Sankri to Taluka: A Scenic Drive!"

The drive from Sankri to Taluka was breathtaking, offering a glimpse of the natural beauty that awaited us. Thanks to BanBanjara for arranging smooth transportation.

Har Ki Dun Trek from Sankri


"Har Ki Dun: A Dream Come True!"

The trek from Kalkatiyadhar to Boslo via Har Ki Dun was surreal. BanBanjara took us to this remarkable destination, and the views were worth every step.

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BanBanjara provided a detailed packing list, helping us pack efficiently for the trek. Their attention to detail was commendable.

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"Professionals in Adventure"

BanBanjara's professionalism and care for trekkers' safety made this adventure not only thrilling but also secure. I felt confident every step of the way.

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BanBanjara provided essential gear and hearty meals, allowing us to focus on the trek. The food was simple but delicious after a day of hiking.

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Pradeep Patel

"Adventure Meets Spirituality:

The Kedarnath trek was an ideal blend of adventure and spirituality. It was wonderfully curated by Banbanjara."

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